There is so much being talked about in the health field about holistic healing and getting more acquainted and connected to our mind and body through different therapies. One of the most important muscles in our bodies is the pelvic floor and knowing its major roles in how it helps our body be nourished in so many ways. Our pelvic floor is always trying to work the best it can innately, even when there are muscle imbalances. It is important to understand how it works to bring a sense of equilibrium and connection to our bodies.

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles that help to connect our upper and lower bodies. It is our foundation of how we move from our centre. Most of us were taught only about the superficial parts of our core and not necessarily the deeper connections of our core and how it moves dynamically. The pelvic floor muscles are just like any other part of the body with a very much an orthopedic role and function. Even though you can’t visually see it, its movement and depth is quite extensive - and not talked about in much detail. But in countries like France, it is actually mandatory for women post-partum to visit a pelvic health physiotherapist!
The pelvic floor’s functions are many, a few being supportive role in helping to hold our internal organs like the bladder, uterus and rectum. It is sphincteric in nature – we have voluntary and involuntary abilities to contract our PFM so we don’t leak when we cough or jump. It has the ability to also move up and down like a piston in our bodies so it provides a lot of stability for our hips, low back, ribcage, and SI joints. It is also important role in moving fluid and nutrients in our bodies via sump pump. This usually gets more affected in pregnancy, so making sure there is proper flow and has its restorative abilities is so important. The pelvic floor is also responsible for bringing blood flow in and out of the area for intercourse.

Remember that it is not all about kegels, and not always about strengthening our pelvic floor – it's best to check in with a pelvic health physiotherapist for the best course of action, it is uniquely different for each individual. Oh yes, and men also have pelvic floors! It is always helpful and very much beneficial to see a pelvic health physiotherapist at any time in your life – not just when things go off track. I recommend being proactive and curious about your pelvic floor health and even during menstrual cycles and navigating the changes into menopause – your body is worth it and it will thank you for it!
Book an assessment with me to understand your pelvic floor health and of course an internal exam is not mandatory but is often the best way to reveal your unique direction in treatment – I would love to work with you.